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Click HereThe Popcorn Factory® is a leader in secure and reliable delivery practices. Below is helpful information about how we are assuring the highest standards of delivery.
Look for these identifying features on packages shipped via FedEx and USPS:
1) The return address showing The Popcorn Factory® as the shipper.
2) The sender's order number and our product code for the selected gift.
3) The Gift Message clearly printed on the label.
4) The FedEx or USPS tracking number at left next to the bar code.
See below for sample label:
If there are any questions about a package, the recipient can:
• Call the customer service number to verify the sender's order number.
• Visit the FedEx or USPS websites to track the package.
We take pride in maintaining the finest quality standards. Trust us to deliver your gifts just as you would, with the greatest care.